Rose Hydrosol + Gemstone Essences [4 oz]
This organic rose hydrosol is both moisturizing and astringent making it great for the skin. Can be used to treat hot or inflamed skin, hives, or other irritations. Energetically, rose works to open and soften the heart, reduce anger and frustration, and offers spiritual protection. Rose hydrosol can be a great alternative to costly rose essential oil when you want the lovely scent without the price.
Ingredients: distilled water, organic rose, gem essences of danburite, morganite, rose quartz.
This organic rose hydrosol is both moisturizing and astringent making it great for the skin. Can be used to treat hot or inflamed skin, hives, or other irritations. Energetically, rose works to open and soften the heart, reduce anger and frustration, and offers spiritual protection. Rose hydrosol can be a great alternative to costly rose essential oil when you want the lovely scent without the price.
Ingredients: distilled water, organic rose, gem essences of danburite, morganite, rose quartz.
This organic rose hydrosol is both moisturizing and astringent making it great for the skin. Can be used to treat hot or inflamed skin, hives, or other irritations. Energetically, rose works to open and soften the heart, reduce anger and frustration, and offers spiritual protection. Rose hydrosol can be a great alternative to costly rose essential oil when you want the lovely scent without the price.
Ingredients: distilled water, organic rose, gem essences of danburite, morganite, rose quartz.
Hydrosols are the by product of essential oil production using a still. Plant material is placed on a screen above boiling water. As the steam rises through the plant material, the volatile oil is carried with it to the top of the still and condensed down using a a series of cooling tubes. The resulting water left over after that process is the hydrosol.